Guests will require accommodation in Sandspit before and after the kayak trip; we recommend Seaport Bed & Breakfast.
Seaport B&B is located on the waterfront, only a 15-minute walk from the Sandspit airport. This establishment is owned and operated by Moresby Explorers; the same company we charter for speedboat transport to Rose Harbour.
In the morning of the first day of the kayak trip, our groups are picked up by van at Seaport B&B, or another Sandspit accommodation of your choice. Sandspit is a small town with limited accommodation options; we encourage you to make reservations as early as possible. Guests can store items at Seaport B&B during the kayak trip.
It is best to stay in Sandspit the night before and after your kayak trip, as you may depart early on the first day and return late on the last day.
If you are interested in exploring the north island of Haida Gwaii before or after your kayak trip, a few accommodation options are listed below.
For more travel information, please see:
You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions.